
Megan Bentley Illustration 

Im always going to be a sucker for cutsey and whimsical. This just made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Illustrator Megan Bentley has made a zine, "The Moon" which is a three parter, the next two being "The Planets" and "The Stars". Yes please. She has also submitted an amazing illustration for the "secret 7" competition, for the teenage cancer trust in where you create a cover for a 7 inch for Bombay Bicycle Clubs "lights out, words gone". I was too scared to enter! (maybe the next one!) anyway rant rant, you can perve at the rest of her work here.

Also, I sold out and got a TV in my room. JC leaves in 2 days for 3 weeks which will feel like 10 years and it was a gift SO THERE.

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