
This song is amazing, and the film clip is even better. I have loved Benoit Pioulards music for as long as I can remember. 

It has been such a long time now since I have actually posted on here. I am determined not to let it slip! I have added more work to my overflowing plate and have opened an Etsy store. For so long now I have had so many clothes, shoes and trinkets just lying around not being used or worn at all. Now they get to go to a good home (somewhere, hopefully!). My little friend Peta is jumping on board and adding some of her own hand made treats, I actually cannot wait to see what she comes up with! I have also been doing workshops here and there, the latest being a watercolour workshop at the Brisbane Institute of Art. I absolutely loved it, and not only did I get to learn more about watercolour and add some more art to my portfolio, we also go to spend a couple of hours on sunday morning doing life drawing, which I have never tried before! more photos to come soon. There is so much happening, I can't wait till I am on holidays and can catch up with everything here : ) Photos to come.